Do you spin art yarn? Do you sell art yarn? I can't tell you how many times a person has come into our booth at a show, picked up a skein of art yarn all full of sparkle and lumps and bumps and locks of wool and told us that they love the yarn but have no idea what to do with it. Of course, as the person selling the yarn, I think putting it in a glass bowl on the table is a great reason to buy it but some customers want to actually use it for something other than a centerpiece. It's a good question since most art yarn is very bulky to very very bulky and the entire skein may be only 35 or 40 yards. That isn't very many yards for a skein that may cost $50 or $60. We explain that you can knit it up into a fun and funky narrow scarf or use it as the border on their next shawl or scarf or sweater. This satisfies some customers but others could use an example. We have gotten much better over the last couple of years in terms of having shop samples of scarves and shawls made out of our yarns. The last sample I knitted up that included art yarn is long gone. We put it out at it's first show and promptly got talked into selling it. Obviously, I need to knit up some more good examples of what to do with art yarn.
But wait! Here is another way to show people what to do with wonderful art yarn that means you don't have to wait on me. Go to It's a great new website created by two ladies who are devoted to art yarn. There are articles about how to price your yarn and how to sell it if you're making it. There are also articles about art yarn for the person who is not familiar with it. And there are patterns available to show you how to use that wonderful art yarn.
Take a look!