The Happy of Outsideness
My brother is taking his turn here with us to help out. Like the week my sister was here, this is mostly to help out Ron who has the bulk of the work and worry around here with me laid up. When Cindy was here, I was just coming out of taking painkillers on a regular basis. First the opioids but followed very quickly by over the counter pain relievers.
Now that Cindy has gone home and Craig has come the situation has changed a bit. I'm much more stable on my one leg and getting around much better. We decided Craig's role should be as chief cook and bottle washer. That gives him some space to let his cooking shine and it gives Ron relief from all the daily cooking demands.
In the meantime, I sent Craig out with my camera to photograph all the things that I would see if I was feeding the livestock or generally spending any time at all outside. He took some great pictures. I'm tickled to see so many things in bloom.
I'm pleased that the new trees are doing so well.
And I'm pleased to see so much growth in general. And it all continues with or without me which I find very reassuring.