The Apron

We have met some wonderful vendors at the shows we do.  Right now I want to talk about one of them.  Stephanie Shroyer is a concrete sculptor from Schulenburg, TX that we met at the Small Show in Fayetteville, TX December of 2018.  She does some really interesting work.  She makes fountains that are lightweight enough for a single person to set up, tear down and move.  That's surprising when things are made out of concrete.  She makes all sorts of yard art with concrete.


That year I bought a little girl's jumper that had been dipped into concrete.  These sculptures are breakable but completely weatherproof so they can sit out in your garden and stay looking wonderful.  I bought the jumper as yard art for my son and his wife since they have two daughters.  This past December I was looking for something similar for my daughter and her husband.  They have two sons so I wanted something that screamed boys.  Unfortunately, Stephanie didn't have anything that worked for rambunctious boys.

What Stephanie did have was this wonderful apron.  I couldn't walk away.  I had to snap it up before someone else bought it.  Now it hangs on the porch of my studio.  The pocket is designed with drainage holes in the back so you can plant something in it.  Right now it has some ivey planted in it but I don't think that will last.  The apron is hanging where it gets no sunlight at all.  I'll have to figure something else out if I want a living plant in there.

In the meantime, check out Stephanie's website:  She has some wonderful stuff!