Spring Shearing
My goats were sheared way back at the beginning of February. That was before the coronavirus became a pandemic and we all started hunkering down at home. The llamas were sheared just this past Sunday.
The date for shearing was pushed forward a week so our shearer could get a Covid-19 test. Sean Price is the first person I know who has been tested. Fortunately, he passed the test with flying colors! Negative is such a good answer.
I am down to only two llamas now. Tucker went off to a new pasture and a new pasture mate. Maggie was suddenly alone and llamas, like goats, don't do well alone. Turns out he had a rough first week and stopped eating for a time. He kept searching for his old pasture mates and calling to them. I felt really bad about it because it never occured to me he would have trouble. He came to me as a weanling at 7 months old so, of course he would have trouble adjusting. I just wasn't thinking clearly about it.
But now, Sean is perfectly healthy and Tucker has grown to love Maggie and all's right with the world. Sean shears pretty quickly so it took him no time at all to shear Shiraz and Smokey. Now the animals are back to looking skinny and ready for the summer to begin.