We have spent the morning battening down the hatches. Small objects have been removed from porches or nestled among the shrubs and moved to the shed or into the house. All the metal art that stands around the studio has been moved up onto the screened in porch.
As of last night, Tropical Storm Nicholas was predicted to come right over the top of us. This would mean higher winds and probably more rain but we are far enough from the coast and this is a tropical storm not a hurricane so we are not talking about a disaster. Just some wind and rain. This morning the map I saw predicted Nickolas to be east of us. Ron heard on the radio that Nickolas would come up from the coast west of us. So the predicted track is not set in stone. The storm center seems to be wobbling a bit.
Based on current predictions, we are likely to get somewhere between 1" and 6" of rain. Easy peasy. We had over 20" or rain in Hurricane Harvey several years ago and were fine. Ron had a doctor's appointment this morning and stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things... a head of cabbage, some of his favorite ice cream, etc. We have long since stocked up on everything on the hurricane preparedness list. We have bottled water, lots of food to eat right out of the can/jar, gas in the vehicles, candles if the power goes out, etc. We are good to go.
Ron is out doing some last minute mowing before the rain starts. We are still playing catch-up after being without a mower for so long over the summer. They are predicting the worst of the rain and wind overnight tonight but the rain will probably continue, off and on through the week.
The way hurricanes work, we won't know how bad it is until it gets here but we don't expect it to be a big deal and we are ready. I'll let you know.