I've been writing this blog about the animals we have and about our weaving, spinning and dyeing adventures for several years now. It's always been available on our website for your reading pleasure. Lately, several people have asked about signing up to have my blog delivered to them via email. That sounded like a great idea so we made it work.
You can go to the bottom of the first page of the website, just under the calendar to sign up. It won't be sent to you unless you subscribe to it and you can unsubscribe at any time. We have already set the blog to pop up on FaceBook when it's posted but this way it's easily available to anyone who isn't on FaceBook. It will continue to be available on the website as it has been.
It took some tweaking of the code to get all the images to come through but I think we have all the kinks out of it now. If you see anything that doesn't seem to be working, please let us know.