Local Yarn Shop Day
Saturday, April 21st, 2018 is the first annual Local Yarn Shop Day. This new exaltation of the best enabler locations for those of us addicted to fiber and yarn was proposed by TNNA, The National NeedleArts Association. The TNNA is an organization of retailers involved in the yarn business and the people who just love yarn. They work hard to educate the public about yarn and fiber and all things related to the retail side of the business. They put on two markets each year where we can go and see what the new yarns are and meet the newest yarn makers and dyers.
Get out there and support your very own local yarn shop! With yarn so easily available online, yarn shops are closing at an alarming rate. There is no arguing with getting yarn for a slightly lower price but yarn shops are the best source of new and interesting yarns - a place where you can see the colors in person and feel the fibers with your own two hands. Yarn stores are run by knitters and crocheters who are always ready to answer your questions and explain those odd knitting patterns. Yarn shops are a great resource and we don't want to see them fade away.