Linen Face Cloths - Now in Stock
Being productive in this time of the pandemic is somewhat problematic. On the one hand there is so much more time to get things done now that we aren't going out much. On the other hand it's increasingly hard to keep up the motivation to be creative.
I'm not sure what my personal best is for weaving off a run of towels or face cloths. I would guess a couple of weeks maybe. Of course, I usually have several projects going at once so working exclusively on one for a week never happens but you get the idea. This current run of face cloths has taken me weeks and weeks, maybe months and months. Not sure.
But regardless, they are all woven now. Well, actually, they have been woven for over a week already but I no sooner had the fabric washed and cut and surged than I discovered I was completely out of tags. I make the sales tags that go on all our items but the cloth tags that include washing instructions and fiber content are made for us by MayDayLabels on I had to order them and wait for delivery.
Now we are up and running. The first 7 face cloths are on the website. Now I'm waiting on the goat's milk soap. It's always something.