Happy Thanksgiving
Here it is early Thanksgiving afternoon and I'm thinking about how thankful I am for all of you. Our customers are what make this enterprise possible and we are thrilled that so many of you keep coming back for more - more fiber, more yarn, more finished products, more spinning wheels and other tools. Thank you.
I'm also thankful for my family, who are all healthy at this point. That is only a good thing. I'm thankful I can live out here in the country surrounded by animals I love and the knitting and weaving and spinning I love to do.
I'm thankful Pedy, one of our cats, has only an inner ear infection rather than the much worse possibility of a brain tumor. He is still getting antibiotics twice a day and in confined to our bathroom for the next week or so but has regained much of his balance.
We lost one of our alpacas a couple of weeks ago but all the rest of the four legged children are happily bounding around the pasture pleased with the cooler weather as I am. Sadie is thrilled to be out and about and it's hard not to notice her appreciation of the weather also.
Today is a bit odd for us. We often have to adjust our time table for Thanksgiving since our kids have in-laws and everyone wants to see the grand-kids this weekend. For the first time in years, it's only Ron and me for Thanksgiving. Since there would be none of the normal whining everytime I suggest changing the Thanksgiving menu, we have opted for prime rib, roasted tomatos, roasted sweet potatoes and pumpkin bites for dessert. Turkey has never been a favorite of mine but we always bow to the wishes of the kids who can't imagine Thanksgiving without it.
So today we have no yummy smell of roasting turkey, no patter of little feet or thunder of wild games in the living room. No whining about naps but also no laughing giggling kids voices. It's quiet and calm which I love but a little lonely too. I'm sure next year we will be back to the normal chaos.
I hope you and yours are having a wonderful day. Parades in the morning, football games throughout the rest of the day. And most important of all, thankfullness for all that we have.