Fiber Christmas in July
Next weekend we will be heading to Kellyville, OK, just southwest of Tulsa for a fun show at the Creek County Fairgrounds. This is the 11th annual Fiber Christmas in July and as usual includes a great mix of vendors for your every fiber obsession.
Lost City Knits will be there with stunning lace patterns and just the right hand dyed yarn to knit up into those fabulous shawls and scarves. I'm just starting one of Denise's shawl patterns right now. I'll post pictures when I get past the fiddly stage.
We are so tickled that the batt ladies will be here this year! Mary of Butterfly Girl Designs and Sally of Yorkieslave Artwork have so much to offer. I think of them both for the art batts they make (and I buy!) but they also have hand spun yarns, drop spindles, hand painted silk ribbon and locks, wire cored yarn and hand felted works of art.
Gina Levesque of Across Generations will be there with all your rug hooking and inkle weaving supplies along with lots of natural dye stuff. If you ever get a chance to take Gina's natural dye class, do it! She is great teacher and you will walk away with enough knowledge to get you going.
Tracey Creations has some of the most wonderful hand made coffee mugs but also yarn bowls, goblets, plates and bowls with fiber themes. Tracey's husband is a great woodworker so you can also expect puzzles, crochet hooks and lancets. I think I will have to take myself off of coffee mug probation.
Christine O'Hara of Spinning Straw into Gold will have all manner of luxury fibers including qiviut, silk laps, Gotland wool and so much more.
Kate Lowder of Lowder Colours Farm will have all sorts of natural fibers from her wonderful sheep. Locks, fleeces, rovings and hand spun and mill spun yarns.
Deb Waggoner of Two Windows Dye Company has fabulous yarns, scarves, socks and fiber all full of color. Yes, she is one of our competitors but we love her stuff!
Some other things to look for - Longwool locks up to 15" at Apothefaery, tie dyed roving and felting kits at Angora Jane's, a wealth of spinning and weaving equipment at A Twist in Time, a selection of frame looms at Weaver's Rapid Warp Looms, knitting machine yarns at Carrico’s Creative Corner, fleeces and hand made tools at Acres of Blessings Farmstead, goat's milk soap at Daydreamers Essentials, copper and silver jewelry by Twining Vine Designs, bags of all sizes from Wizbags, fingering and lace weight yarns by McKnittey, great fiber by Morandia and My Little Black Sheep, a great selection of doodads at Magpie Wishes.
As you can see, there are lots of reasons to stop by and buy!