Feeling Rich
I have talked about feeling rich in the past. For me feeling rich means being able to go out for a strawberry sundae and not having to share, having a huge pile of firewood so I can have a fire in the fireplace anytime I want, and having a barn full of hay.
It has been a while since my husband and I had to share a desert because we couldn't afford to buy two. Now we share deserts because neither one of us needs all the calories and because deserts have gotten larger and larger over the years. These days a family of four could easily share a single desert and no one would feel like they didn't get enough sugar and fat.
As of this week, I no longer need a huge pile of firewood. This was supposed to be my Christmas present but according to my husband I managed to worm it out of him. Really? No. Regardless - my husband replaced the glass doors on our fireplace that had shattered several years ago, bought a set of artificial fireplace logs and lava rocks. We already had a propane line going to the fireplace. Now we have a fully functioning fireplace that won't create any ash when it burns, will not require cleaning out and will always be at the ready. Cool.
I still have a pile of firewood out in the backyard that is well and truly aged. It has been there for years. I'm sure if the temperature is right, the kids will want a firepit going for Thanksgiving and Christmas so we'll be able to use of the wood appropriately.
Then there is the barn full of hay. That happened this past week. I called my wonderful hay man, Larry Janicek, and what should arrive at my door but 150 bales of hay.
Now I'm happy. The goats are happy. The llamas are happy and the pony is happy.