Fall Marigolds
Last June we had a customer nearly buy us out of marigolds. These happy flowers are grown here in 7' diameter garden beds and hand picked as the blooms ripen. I fertilize them with llama poo from my llamas and no insecticides are used.
Our customer thought she might be interested in buying more dried marigolds later this year but I hadn't planted any. She graciously sent me some marigold seeds and I bought some of my own. I planted the marigold seed in July and hoped for the best. In all the years I've planted marigolds, it has always been plants and never seeds. This was my first experience of planting marigold seeds.
The seeds sprouted nicely and grew into happy plants. By the end of September they were just starting to produce blooms and by the middle of October I was picking the flowers.
And now, after a month of picking and drying marigold blooms, they are up on the website. Enjoy!