A Beautiful Week

This week has been lovely.  It's still September so it's still hot but much more manageable with normal temps rather than higher than normal.  Today's high is only 92.  That's not bad at all.  

And we have had some rain - about 1/2 inch.  That's not nearly enough rain to cancel the county-wide burn ban but it's added some much needed green to the pastures.

In addition to some rain, we've had lots of clouds.  Even if we don't get rain, blocking the sun for a while helps the temperature and it also brightens my mood.  I love clouds.

The wind has been with us, too.  A bright breeze always helps.

I haven't been able to get a decent picture of the wild and crazy hummingbirds.  They are little scrappers and are constantly running each other off the feeders.  Ron is brewing up their drink of choice frequently.

We have lots of things blooming right now.

I'm always tickled when the gardenia blooms in the fall.  The bush is covered with blooms in the spring but the fall bloom feels like a bonus.

The cactus is blooming, too.  I'm not sure what it's schedule is but it looks lovely right now.

This will be our first fall/winter with Satsuma oranges in three years.  They just look like green globs right now but will be ready to eat come Christmas!

While the morning lows have only dipped into the 60's once so far, I'm encouraged by lows in the low 70's.  It looks like we will slide into great fall weather as we usually do - never quite fast enough for me but it always comes.