Thanksgiving and the Start of Christmas Shopping

Happy Thanksgiving!  We are making our (grocery) list and checking it twice.  We don't want to be missing any ingredients for our Thanksgiving dinner.  This year will be a bit different than in years past.  Both our kids and all the grand kids will be here on Thursday.  That's not so unusual except for the one year when we finally cancelled Thanksgiving because we never could get everyone together.  We usually have Thanksgiving dinner in the early afternoon but this year it will be in the evening, 6 pm rather than at 1 pm.  The big difference is this year there will be no turkey.  I don't think I have ever been at a Thanksgiving feast when I didn't eat turkey.  That was the norm in all my growing up years and in all my kid's growing up years.  This year it will be prime rib.  Both my kids were initially shocked but have come around to it.

I hope you and yours have a great Thanksgiving dinner regardless of what's on the menu and where or when it's served!  We truly do have so many things to be thankful for.

Immediately after Thanksgiving we start Christmas.  Back in the days when I was young, growing up in the cold north, we decorated the house and put up the Christmas tree about a week or maybe 10 days before Christmas.  The tree continued to shine in the living room until at least mid-January.  The schedule is much different here in Texas and we've lived here so long that it seems normal.  The Christmas trees and all the decorations usually go up before the remnants of the Thanksgiving turkey are put away and are pulled down and put away the day after Christmas.  We don't need to discuss the outrageous current practice of Christmas wrapping paper and ribbons, glass ornaments and Christmas music appearing in the stores long about Halloween.  I understand the rational for retail establishments trying to make the Christmas buying season as long as they possibly can.  I just don't like it.

Our Christmas season, here at Sky Loom Weavers starts on Friday November 27th. Everything in the studio is 15% off the regular price!  If you order on our website use the code BLACKFRIDAY2015 when you check out.  The sale runs from Friday Nov 27ththrough Monday Nov 30th.  That's Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Sunday and Cyber Monday. Plus, if you come into the studio on Small Business Saturday we will have an extra free gift for you.

Have a great Thanksgiving and get ready for Christmas!