The Clover Kids came by today.

We had a great group of kids and their parents out to the studio today.  These are mostly kids who live in Houston and don't have a lot of access to livestock.  They were interested in seeing the animals we get our fiber from and then how that fiber is processed and spun and woven.  It was a lot of fun.  The kids ranged in age from about 3 to about 8.  They enjoyed hearing about the goats and feeding them treats and watching the llama and alpacas skitter around.  The kids got a tour of the studio and saw the spinning wheels and drop spindles and the looms.  They all took away a bit of prepared fiber for their felting project later this spring.  The kids were all well behaved, interested, charming and a delight to have here.  Their parents were equally interested and funny and also a delight to have visit.  They are all welcome back any time they want to come.

This past week I've been concerned about how I would feel today.  I've been sick with a horrible cold for the last week and wasn't sure I would still be standing by the time they left.  Peggy was here to do the lion's share of the presentation but I didn't want to collapse in the goat pen either.  As it turned out, I felt better when I got up this morning than I have for a long time and while I was popping decongestants, I felt pretty good the whole day.  I hate being sick.  I don't do it very often, fortunately.  And a cold, even a really bad cold, just doesn't seem enough to make all the symptoms worthwhile.  If I'm going to be sick and feel really miserable for a week, I should have a disease with a real name.  Not that I want to get the H1N1 flu or any of the many other diseases with a real name.  I'm just really glad to be feeling better.  I'm hoping to feel even better tomorrow and hopefully spend the day back in the studio getting some weaving done.