Playing catch-up

It's been a very long time since I posted anything new on this blog.  My grandson, Max, was born last September at just 1 pound 5 oz.  He was three months early and spent those three months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with all the usual highs and lows that come with being a premature infant.  Max is doing great now at over 12 pounds and managed to be released from the hospital just before Christmas.  What a wonderful gift.

Max really changed my focus.  A new baby always does that, I guess, especially the first grandchild, but Max's situation made everything else so unimportant.  I wasn't the one who went to the hospital every day and held him and fed him and talked to him.  I did all those things but my daughter and her husband were the ones who made the daily trip up the freeway to see Max.  Bless the doctors and nurses at the NICU for the wonderful care Max received.  Bless the insurance company for making the cost of Max's care something we didn't have to worry about.  And bless Peggy and all the other friends and relatives who pitched in to help so my daughter and son-in-law could occasionally sleep.

Only in the last couple of weeks have I been thinking about this blog again and beginning to compose posts in my head.  So it's time to catch up on all the fiber fun that's happened since September.  We have some wonderful new shawls and shawl pins to talk about.  We sold out of all our kitchen towels but I'm weaving some more.  We had a great time as vendors at the Kid 'n Ewe Fiber Festival in Boerne, TX and were privileged to be invited the first annual Knit 1 Oxford Fiber Festival in Oxford, MS.  I have some great pictures of the large looms at the Pendleton Woolen Mills in Oregon.  I've discovered core spinning and have created some really interesting, fun and funky yarns.  And then there's the upcoming events.... the Yellow Rose Fiber Festival in Seguin, TX in April, the Spinning Retreat in Moss Bluff, LA in June.

Like I said, we have lots of fun stuff to talk about.  I'll be adding posts soon.