Shop Small Saturday
Ths coming Saturday, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, has been designated Shop Small Saturday by whoever is in charge of such things. I think it's a great idea! In this day of huge mega stores, it's a great idea to shop local and shop small. OK. It's just possible that I'm a bit biased. We are a local shop - at least local to the west side of Houston, Texas. Particularly local to Sealy and Columbus. And we are definately small - just one small studio that's full of yarn and fiber and looms and spinning wheels and coffee and lavender and wonderful hand made items.
Because the studio is where I weave and spin, and because I'm pretty far out in the country, we don't have regular store hours. We can be open pretty much whenever you can get out here as long as you've called first. We will be open on Saturday for Shop Small Saturday from 10 am til 4 pm.
Here are our normal hours. These are based on something that was flying around the internet so I can't attribute it to anyone, but whoever wrote it must have visited Sky Loom Weavers....
Business Hours