
I spent years resolving that I would loose weight, get more exercise and eat better.  Over and over these were my first three resolutions each year.  I should still loose some weight and get more exercise and eat better but I've stopped thinking about them on January 1st.  They will happen or they won't and have nothing to do with what I list as resolutions.  I also don't list the things I really want to happen but over which I have very little control.  I want people to be more forgiving and enjoy diversity and learn to agree to disagree.  I want people to talk instead of shout.  I want people to be nicer to each other.  These are all things I try to do.  Sometimes I succeed and sometimes not but I do try.  But they don't seem to be New Years Resolutions to me.

This year I resolve to weave more and maybe finally get the curtains woven for my house and studio.  The pattern comes from Favorite Scandinavian Projects to Weave by Tina Ignell.  They are simple M's and O's woven with cottolin warp and linen weft.  They will be light and airy, letting some light into the room but blocking the worst afternoon heat.  I have all the yarn, I just have to get the kitchen towels off the loom and warp up for the curtains.


I resolve to let go of the things that don't really matter and focus on the things that do.  Max, grandchild number one is one year old and healthy after being born 3 months early.  That's important.  Keeping the floor spotlessly clean is not.  Grandchild number two, Miss Artichoke, will make her appearance the middle of January.  That's important.  Mom and Dad have let us know that they have decided on her name and it begins with the letter "A".   Somehow, Artichoke sounds better to me than Baby A, although I'm pretty confident that her name is something other than Artichoke.  What her name is isn't important as long as she is born healthy.  Actually, compared to babies being born healthy and growing up, not much is very important.