Roc Day

Oops!  I should have mentioned Roc Day much earlier than this.  We will have our annual festivities in honor of Roc Day this coming Sunday January 8th from 10 am till 4 pm here at the Sky Loom Weavers studio in Cat Spring, TX.

Ron will make us some warm soup and we'll have sodas, coffee, tea and some munchies.  Please feel free to bring a snack to share.  Bring your wheel or spindle or just come and watch.  You can take a fling on any wheel we have here and on any of the looms.  We'll have lots of fun and funky fibers for you to try.  And hourly door prizes.  Please come.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Roc Day, also called St. Distaff's Day, let me explain.  In the history of northern European cultures the women were the ones who did the spinning and weaving.  They did not work during the 12 days of Christmas or the following day of the Feast of Epiphany.  The first day after Epiphany, Jan 7th, marked the day they went back to work.  The men, however, did not have to return to their work until the 8th of Jan and felt it important to harass the women.  They would try to set the flax in the distaffs on fire.  Expecting this, the women were prepared with buckets of cold water to put out the fires and to douse the men.  Frivolity ensued.  It's a story described in a poem by Robert Herrick (1591 - 1674) called "Saint Distaffs day, or the Morrow After Twelfth Day".

We won't have any setting the flax on fire and no buckets of water but we will have fun and laughter and food and comradeship and a wonderful beginning to this new year.  We would love to have you!  Call if you need directions - 979-733-8120.