Finishing the 2012 Show Season
Small Business Saturday is over and our show at the El Campo Christmas Mall has come and gone. We are finished with shows for 2012. Whew! We really enjoy the shows we do - the people we meet, the inspiration we get, the fun of seeing our fellow vendors again. It's all good. It's also a lot of work. I usually need a couple of days to rest and relax and get ready to go back to normal. This time I don't have quite that much time. Between our West Side Weavers Christmas Party on Tuesday, getting my hair cut and babysitting for my granddaughter, this week is pretty full.
Small Business Saturday was fun. We had a charming young lady named Maggie come out with her mother to learn how to spin. She is already a master of knitting and crochet at the tender age of 11 so the jump to spinning was easy for her. She left here with spindles and fiber and a pretty good understanding of how to spin. We wish her well but expect to see her again soon for more fiber. I got a commission for a wool shawl that will be a Christmas present so I need to get started on it this week. I'm looking forward to it since it's in colors I love and yarn we spun.
Thanks to Nancy Whitbeck for taking these pictures. The animals never looked better.
One of the really fun things about Small Business Saturday, and the entire Thanksgiving weekend was having my grandson Max here. His mommy and daddy were off at the deer lease so Max stayed with us. What a sweetheart! Like all two year olds he is totally wonderful right up to the point when he's not anymore. Then it's nap time.....
The El Campo Christmas Mall is a show we have done for the last three years. It's the first full weekend in December and just 45 minutes down the road from here at the El Camp Civic Center. We love that it's so close - no hotel room required, just a short drive back home each night. The Civic Center has lots of parking out front and it's easy to get to, easy to unload and load and easy to park the trailer. The facility is great with good climate control and great bathrooms. The best part of the show is how well the vendors are treated. There are wonderful ladies who wander around the facility with a cart full of coffee, tea, sodas and water. They will take your order for breakfast or lunch and deliver it to you when it's ready. The food is great and the service even better. You can't ask more than that.