Sun, Glorious Sun

The sun always comes out after the rain but sometimes it seems all the more important.  I really needed the sun this weekend.  After all the storms of this past week, it was a glorious affirmation that we are all going to be fine.  We haven't figured out how to get our driveway repaired yet but our problems are nothing compared to all the people who lost more or most or everything. And there are places downstream where the water is still rising.  The Colorado River at Columbus, which was crazy high on Tuesday has dropped at least 15 feet.  As of Thursday it was high but well within it's banks.  That's a nice safe place for it to be.

I've been struggling with my new laptop.  Just when you get your computer doing exactly what you want, exactly how you want it's time to buy a new one.  My new HP is larger, faster, bigger and better but its not at all happy with the oddly intermittent internet access we have out here.  I've been struggling for two days now to get Kaspersky Anti-Virus downloaded and installed but to no avail.  I'll stop at Best Buy this afternoon and pick up an actual disk. That should solve the need to download it.

I'm off to the annual Swap Swatch this afternoon.  There are ten of us still in it and we will each present our project on weaving with 10/2 cotton.  Check here tomorrow and I'll show you all the pictures.  It was an adventure for me.