Back from a great vacation

I'm not sure how I could have thought I would be able to go sight seeing all day long and then when I got back to the boat I would be able to move photos from my camera to my laptop, photo-shop them and write a blog entry before I went to bed.  Clearly, I was delusional.  The vacation was wonderful and I took some great photos but we did a huge amount of walking and I was exhausted by the time we had dinner so after my first couple of attempts no blog posts were forthcoming.

Part of the point of this trip was to see the flowers, mainly tulips, in the field.  Holland grows millions of flowers - thousands of acres -  of flowers each year.  Unfortunately, Holland had an early spring this year so the fields of flowers were mostly all gone.  We did go to a fabulous flower garden which is used by the growers to show their wares.  It was amazing.

I've never seen so many different flowers in one albeit huge garden.

We also saw windmills

that were built in the1700's.

We visited the flower auction at Alsmeer where they sell billions of flowers each year.

It was a fabulous trip that felt longer than 10 days.  We had completely uneventful airline flights both going over and coming home.  We met an interesting group of people from all over the US and Canada, some of whom we hope to see again soon.